Thank you for your business with Affiliate Solar over the last decade. Affiliate Solar, Inc. has closed their doors as of April 2024. We appreciate you and want to ensure you are able to get the resources you need to maintain your purchased solar system. As your solar system was purchased either with cash or on a loan, you own the system which means you are responsible for working with the manufacturer on any warranty claims. If your system was a PPA, your PPA finance company will facilitate any warranty claims for you. If you are moving or needing to transfer your loan, you will need to work with the finance company you contracted with to service your payments. Scroll down for are all the resources you need to ensure you have a system that can provide power for your home.
You are selling your home, don’t understand your bill, want to apply a tax credit you received to your loan, etc.
Please contact the appropriate solar financing company you are paying from the list below. If your finance company is not listed below, you can find their contact information on your monthly statement or by looking them up on the internet.
Dividend Finance
Sunlight Financial
Service Finance
GoodLeap (formerly LoanPal)
Regions (formerly Enerbank)
888-390-1220, option 1
I never received my tax credits promised by my sales rep.
Tax credits are from the Federal Government and must be filed with your federal tax return. If you did not file for your solar credit the year you got your system, you are able to have your tax person amend your return for the year(s) since your system has been installed. All you need to file for your solar renewable energy credit is form 5695 which can be accessed at
If you live in a state that has state solar tax credits or renewable energy credits (SREC’s) then you need to work with the state entity that provides those incentives to claim them.
Affiliate Solar does not provide tax advice. You will need to work with a CPA or tax advisor for any tax advice or tax credits.
My solar loan payment went up 16-18 months after I got my system.
Your payment was estimated by your loan company above based on you getting a 30% Federal Tax Credit within the first 16-18 months and sending that tax credit into your loan company to reduce your principal. If you did not qualify for the tax credit because you don’t pay taxes or if you applied your tax credit to taxes owed on your return, then the finance company would not have been able to reduce your principal amount and therefore they would have increased your loan payment in month 16 or 18 to account for the absence of the tax credit being applied as agreed upon in your finance contract you signed.
I am still getting a bill from my power company.
You will always receive a bill from your power company because you are on their electrical grid even though you have solar. Your bill will include the monthly fee charged whether you have solar or not. Your bill will also include all power you received from the power company during the month along with a credit for the extra power you put on their grid. Please be aware that the credit you receive is not what your system produced. Your system first sends the power produced into your home and only sends power you don’t use to the grid for a credit. Your total solar production is a combination of everything you used directly from your system as well as the extra you sent to the power grid. The only way to see the entire production of your solar system is through a monitoring device on your inverter. If you don’t have a monitoring device on your inverter or don’t know how to access it, you can contact the manufacturer for your inverter and they can assist you with accessing your device’s account or ordering a device.
You have access to your monitoring and there’s a panel(s) that isn’t showing production.
In 99% of the cases, a panel not working is actually an inverter or optimizer issue. Please contact the appropriate inverter manufacturer below and file a work order for them to remotely look at your system. You must have a monitoring device and it must be connected to wifi for the manufacturer to be able to remotely look at your system.
AP Systems
You have a defective panel that broke.
The break cannot be caused by a golf ball, rock, walking on it, a tree falling, an act of God, or something else. It has to be a defective panel that broke with no outside force. It is very rare for this to happen, but if it does, please look under your panel and it will have a label indicating the make, model and size of the panel. You can contact the manufacturer and they will assist with a replacement.
You want to reroof your home and need to uninstall and reinstall your system.
If you would like an independent solar technician to assist you with this process, we can refer you to a couple individuals who will bill you for their labor. You do not need to utilize these technicians. You can contact any solar or certified electrical technician you’d like to use.
Southern California
Angel Angulo, 760-498-4569
Daniel Mendez, 951-388-7088
Abe Draper, 801-860-5571
Do I need to clean my panels?
We would recommend spraying off your panels once or twice a year so they produce at peak capacity. If you are not able to access your panels safely then you can hire a company that cleans panels. A lot of window cleaning companies now clean solar panels as well. Do not ever use an abrasive cleaning pad or brush as it will damage the panels. Please only use a soft cloth and water.
I don’t understand how my solar system works and I want someone who can help me.
If you would like an independent technician to assist you with this process, we can refer you to a couple individuals who will bill you for their labor. You do not need to utilize these technicians. You can contact any solar or electrical technician you’d like to use. You can also request that the manufacturer of the panel or inverter help cover the cost of the labor. Some manufacturers will provide reimbursements for labor and some won’t.
Southern California
Angel Angulo, 760-498-4569
Daniel Mendez, 951-388-7088
Abe Draper, 801-860-5571